'Create windows management object
Dim objWinMgmts
Dim process_List
Set objWinMgmts = GetObject("WinMgmts:Root\Cimv2")
'Get the list of all the wscripts running in the system
Set process_List = objWinMgmts.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process where name='wscript.exe'")
'Get the process id of the current executing wscript ('this' object)
Dim cpid, cpst
cpid = 0
cpst = FormatDateTime("01/01/1900")
For Each objProcess In process_List
If objProcess.CreationDate > cpst Then
cpid = objProcess.ProcessId
cpst = objProcess.CreationDate
End If
'Except current wscript, kill all the other wscripts running on the system
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If cpid <> objProcess.ProcessId Then
End If
Set process_List = Nothing
Set objWinMgmts = Nothing
Dim objWinMgmts
Dim process_List
Set objWinMgmts = GetObject("WinMgmts:Root\Cimv2")
'Get the list of all the wscripts running in the system
Set process_List = objWinMgmts.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process where name='wscript.exe'")
'Get the process id of the current executing wscript ('this' object)
Dim cpid, cpst
cpid = 0
cpst = FormatDateTime("01/01/1900")
For Each objProcess In process_List
If objProcess.CreationDate > cpst Then
cpid = objProcess.ProcessId
cpst = objProcess.CreationDate
End If
'Except current wscript, kill all the other wscripts running on the system
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If cpid <> objProcess.ProcessId Then
End If
Set process_List = Nothing
Set objWinMgmts = Nothing