A very pious old man is there in a village. He used to pray to GOD daily. There is a cat in his house which is very active and used to roam around the house and play. So not to get disturbed by it the old man used to keep the cat under a basket. This was a daily routine for him before his prayer.
After few years the old man died. At his funeral ‘his act of keeping the cat under the basket’ spread among the people. Since he was very pious and noble, people derived a conclusion that it is some kind of religious duty. Rumors spread saying that keeping the act under the basket would keep the devils away, and few others said that it would welcome the gods.
People in the village divided into three cults : the people who believed that it would invite gods, the people that believed it would keep the devils away and the people who believe that it may not necessarily be a cat, it can be any pet at home.
They started following the ‘act’. Daily before prayer they would keep the cat under the basket. Rich men bought horses and used to keep them under big decorated baskets before prayer.They believed it will give them power.
We should always remember, everything you hear or see may not be actually what you think it is. Eyes and ears can be deceiving, even your perception of the act or statement is wrong. Only through correct assessing of statements or ‘Critical thinking’ and analysis we will know the truth.
Truth is transient, it changes from place to place, person to person and time to time. It can be misleading if you follow the truth by symbolism or mere sentence.
Nice Keerthy